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How To Make Sea Salt Ice Cream?

how to make sea salt ice cream
Written by Isabel Fernandez
Last Update: August 23, 2021

Have you played the game Kingdom Hearts 2? Well, if you have, you know about a particular sea salt ice cream recipe. After testing this special ice cream at DisneySea, Tokyo, Tetsuya Namura, the game director added this recipe to the game Kingdom Hearts 2. Since then, this sea salt ice cream becomes more popular among people living in different regions.

A lot of people have heard and seen these types of ice cream while playing different games. It is mostly available in Radiant Garden and Twilight Town video games. Being first appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2, this particular dish appeared in entire Kingdom Hearts series.

The color of this ice cream is blue as shown in the game; however, the real-world version is mostly cream colored. You will be able to have the taste of this delicious sea salt ice cream from Hakata, Japan. Sea salt caramel ice cream from this region is famous because of their regional sea salt. Apart from Japan, Dingle, Ireland is also prominent for this recipe.

Sea Salt Ice Cream

Do not worry, if you can’t travel that far. You may find this ice cream even in your city food restaurants or in the local supermarket as there are a lot of ice cream brands around the world producing different types of sea salt ice creams. If you want to make your own sea salt ice cream, you may follow this guideline to make that great sea salt ice cream.

How to Make Sea Salt Ice Cream Recipe

Now that you know about sea salt ice cream, you might be interested in tasting it. If you do not find any ice cream brands that produce sea salt ice cream near you, then making your own is a perfect choice. Do not worry, as making sea salt ice cream is not that hard and you do not require too many ingredients.


  • 2 Eggs
  • 3/4 Cup of Sugar
  • 2 Cups of Milk
  • 1 Tea Spoon of Sea Salt
  • 1 Cup of Whipping Cream (2 Cups for A Creamy Flavor)
  • 1 Tea Spoon of Vanilla
  • Green and Blue Food Color

Required Ingredients and Items

  • 2 Bowls
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Whisk
  • Pot
  • Stove And
  • Ice Cream Maker or Popsicle Molds
  • Ice Cream Scoop
  • Stove


With the ingredients and materials ready, you’re good to start making that sea salt ice cream.

Put Them Together

At first take two bowls. Separate the egg yolk from the egg white and put them in separate bowls. Now take the egg whites and beat it until they are stiff.

sea salt ice cream Put Them Together

Then add sugar with egg yolks and make them thick. Do not add sugar with the egg whites and keep them separated.

sea salt ice cream Put Them Together

Make Custard Mix

Now, take a cooking pot and add 2 cups of milk in it. Cook at medium heat and stir occasionally. After boiling the milk, add this hot milk into the sugar and egg yolk mixture. Stir well enough so that, they get mixed well.

sea salt ice cream - Make Custard Mix

Now that you mixed the egg yolk, sugar and milk put it back into the pot and start heating up to make a thick custard. You do not have to boil this.

Bring the egg whites, pour over it and stir to make a mixture.

Add Sea Salt

Now the important part; add little amount of sea salt. Be careful while adding sea salt. Adding more sea salt may ruin the taste. So, make a perfect balance of salty and sweetness. Put this mixture in the fridge to make it cool.

Add Sea Salt

Make Your Own Sea Salt Ice Cream

After cooling the mixture, get it out from the refrigerator. Add vanilla, food color and cream as mentioned above. For a creamier taste, add one more cup of cream. Now, you can use the ice cream maker and pour this mixture into it. Follow the instruction if you do not know how to use an ice cream maker. Leave it in the freezer for at least 2 hours. If you want to insert a Popsicle stick, add it before placing them in the fridge. If your list of appliances does not contain an ice cream maker, you may use Popsicle molds. You will quickly find various colorful and designed Popsicle molds in the market.

Make Your Own Sea Salt Ice Cream

Enjoy Your Sea Salt Ice Cream

Once frozen; take them back from the fridge. Congratulations! Your sea salt ice cream is ready to eat. Call in some friends and share your ice cream with them. Provide some ice cream with ice cream scoop, and you will find that, they are amazed at its different taste. However, this ice cream will melt if stays outside for longer times. So, eat as much as you wish and if remains put them back into the freezer.

Final Words

Making sea salt ice cream is not hard, it is rather exciting. Remember that, adding sea salt is the trickiest part. You need to create a balance between salty taste and sweeter taste. More salts mean, you will lose the flavor, and less salt implies the feeling will be like ordinary ice cream. So, carefully measure the amount of sea salt for the best balance and taste.

Now that you know how to make sea salt ice cream, you can use this particular ice cream recipe to impress your loved and dear ones. Write us back if you face any difficulties preparing the food.

About the author

Isabel Fernandez

A Beloved Wife with A Culinary Degree

Hi, I’m Isabel. Let me utter a few words to describe myself. I am not into cooking as a professional. Then why did I pursue institutional education in this field? To be honest, I didn’t want to be a typical woman who cooks to eat without putting much sense to the culinary factors. My husband and I’ve been conscious of our food habits (of the taste actually) since the time we tied the knot. Our primary goal has always been to tongue delicious and nutritious recipes. Although I’m not a nutritionist, I do care about those life-saving agents. I got immensely familiar with dishes, especially the ones based on meats and the different tools and ingredients that make what our senses desire the most. Do you want my experience to guide you through any of these? Follow my posts on this website!

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